Hi everyone,
i have a question regarding the openstack_sync function.
I installed the newest version of the application through apt on a Ubuntu 18.04 (which worked like a charm).
The documentation references “local settings” to configure the openstack syncs.
Where are those settings stored / supposed to be stored?
I can’t find a description in the docs and can’t find any example file on the system itself.
Wherever i store my configuration, the ralphctl openstack_sync command runs without finding anything or throwing any error messages.
Hi Marcin, thanks for the fast reply.
I’m not sure i completely understand where and how to put the configuration as described in the docs.
I tried adding the configuration to the ralph.conf (and other existing confs) and created an entirely new file called openstack.conf.
Adding it to the existing ralph.conf causes the application to not start up properly.
A newly created openstack.conf seems to be ignored and the sync command runs with no new imports.
I’ll add my console output and config example below.
I think i’m missing an obvious step in the configuration
One special constellation i have, is that i only have access to specific projects within openstack - not the whole openstack itself. Similar to OpenStack as a Service… (not my choice )
Should Ralph simply import what it gets or could this cause an issue?