Hello there! Here’s Ralph development team speaking.
We’d like to know Ralph community better.
Please say hi, and tell us about your Ralph experience 
- What do you use Ralph for? Which modules do you find useful?
- Are you happy using Ralph?
- What can we do better in next releases ?
- (optional) Say where are you from or / company name
Hello, everybody,
First of all, thank you for the very powerful free CMDB you have created. It’s amazing that something so complete is free.
I started using Ralph mostly to organize the IPs and SSL Certificates of the company I manage the systems, but because I like it so much, I’m documenting all the physical and virtual systems. More than 100 virtual machines and 50 physical machines.
I am very happy with this software and especially with the response of its creators.
Some of the things that would improve:
- More options in the API.
- Better graphics for the “dc_view” and Racks
- To be able to modify the view of columns in “Virtual Server” and “Hardware” to be able to remove columns that I do not use and to put others as the “management IP adress”.
- To be able to sort permanently by a column in “Virtual Server” and “Hardware”. Each time I enter it is sorted by order of creation.
I’ll tell you if you want more things I can think of with time and use.
I work in a data center in Spain, but Ralph used it for an important company to which we administer the systems.
Sorry about my English.