Ralph 3 vs. Ralph 2.x → features

Does Ralph 3 support device discovery similar to Ralph 2.x. How to use it?

We don’t ship discovery modules with Ralph 3. The reason is - every company is different, and shipping whole boundle didn’t bring much value to the users without further customizations.

Using API

The idea is to integrate Ralph with internal systems with Ralph REST API, or use Ralph CLI to populate some data. Our API exposes assets, components, and even custom fields to read and write.

You can play with the API via: http://ralph-demo.allegro.tech/api/

If you need ready to use code, there is comprehensive plugins suite from Ralph 2.x which works with some popular hardware. These are still available under “historical-develop” branch. https://github.com/allegro/ralph/tree/historical-develop/src/ralph/scan/plugins and can be back ported.

Using CLI

To simplify writing discovery client, there is also handy Ralph-CLI GitHub - allegro/ralph-cli: Command-line interface for the Ralph system. tool which can run ordinary python script, and send output to the Ralph API. You can backport some plugins from Ralph 2 which are were mentioned above.