Thank you for your application which is very useful.
However, I would like to import data automatically. I have a .json file on my system, which I would like to import into the Licenses category. The file is as follows:
[{"price": "0.00", "price_currency": "XXX", "manufacturer": "", "manufacturer_str": "", "licence_type": 6, "licence_type_str": "Microsoft", "software": 1, "software_str": "Vector", "region": 4, "region_str": "Saint-Cernaint-Sur-Ences", "office_infrastructure": "", "office_infrastructure_str": "", "users": "", "users_str": "", "base_objects": "", "base_objects_str": "", "id": "", "created": "", "modified": "", "parent": "", "parent_str": "", "remarks": "", "service_env": "", "service_env_str": "", "configuration_path": "", "configuration_path_str": "", "property_of": "", "property_of_str": "", "number_bought": 10, "sn": "", "niw": "EXPORTQUATRE", "invoice_date": "", "valid_thru": "", "order_no": "", "depreciation_rate": "50.00", "accounting_id": "", "provider": "", "invoice_no": "", "license_details": "", "budget_info": "", "budget_info_str": "", "start_usage": "", "tags": "", "tags_str": ""}]
For the import I use the command “ralph import”, but the result is the following:
The import does not work, on the application and in the database, I do not see any changes.
Can you help me, please
Thank a lot.