The intent of this post is to inform you that we are on the verge of having a finished product and making last preparations for a pull-request.
There are a couple of things, concerning the server-changes, we need to know beforehand:
There are 2 packages/apps we have developed: “stocktaking” and “capentory”. The latter contains models and other functionality related only to our institution, i.e. only the asset-models we need in our school. Question being: Do you want this package included with the pull-request or only the stocktaking-feature?
We have created a “demo” implementation of the views required to perform stocktaking via our mobile App for the model “BackOfficeAsset”. We will include this in the pull-request for your convenience. Just keep this in mind when merging: When implementing your own stocktaking-views, please review the “” file for any methods you want to override and customize.
With this in mind, I am looking forward to hearing from you and am always open for any questions.
I think the smaller and more “generic” changes, the better.
Before this patch land, I think we need to discuss:
Is it possible to play around with the demo app somewhere? If not, how can we install this today ?
Maintainership - I think this part of code should have dedicated maintainers, which knows this piece of code. Are you open to support this?
I’m thinking about making this package optional. Then, we can have both worlds - Ralph core and “community-plugins” under new “ralph-community” repository. We could use DJANGO_INSTALLED_APPS to enable and disable it. Do you think it’s possible? We could than make stocktaking optional with something like apt-get install ralph-stocktaking
Optional packages
We already use separate Ralph packages for internal (Allegro) tools hooked under “” entry points.
Take a look at your Email. You can try the App today
We do not plan on continuing develepment on our software after our project is finished. However, we might still push patches once in a while (but definitely to a much lesser extent than now)
Our solution is just a package, so you can just remove/add it to INSTALLED_APPS, so that is definitely possible. (Please keep in mind that the bug I posted few weeks ago needs to be fixed in order for our solution to be integrable (Ralph bug))