Spare parts inventory?


I am new to Ralph. I am currently evaluating it. We provide IT support for a research group and we need to keep track of our spare part inventory meaning: hard drives, SSD’s, power supplies, special cables, etc.

I would like to know if there is an existing workflow to keep the inventory of spare parts. In a real world situation we would have a server, computer or workstation created in the inventory and then we should be able to pick one hard drive from the inventory and transfer it to the computer. So in a report we would be able to see how many drives we have in use and in the stock inventory. Is this possible with Ralph? What would be the best approach to do this?

Thank you in advance.


Check out tab Back Office > Accessory

(how to log in: GitHub - allegro/ralph: Ralph is the CMDB / Asset Management system for data center and back office hardware.)

You can specify number of items and assign some of them to users, the information will be available in the detail screen (1 item is assigned to user):

See if that suits your needs
